If you are on the wetland course then these are the accessible chapters:
Grey water
Black water
Kitchen water
Eco Pool Conversion
All the bonuses (excl. a private consult with Alosha Lynov )
If you are on the Abundance of water course then these are the accessible chapters:
Hard Surface
Harvesting in Earthworks
Storage introduction
Sandbag tank
Underground tank
Ferro Cement tank
Eco Pool to Storage
Biochar Filter
Grey Water Theory
Grey Water
Bonus Material
If you are on the Living Dome Masterclass course then these are the accessible chapters:?
Eco Shelter Theory
E.S. Foundation work
E.S. Arch forms for all openings
E.S. Building of the wall
E.S. Building around window & door frames
E.S. Weaving domes together
E.S. Adding tensile forces
E.S. Upper levels of the dome
E.S. Skylights and windows
E.S. Water proofing and finishing touches
E.S. Water work
E.S. Eco Vault Home
Underground water tank
Pool to Eco Storage
Terraced Beds
Sandbag walls
Grey Water Theory
Grey water
Kitchen Water