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First time

Welcome to the Bio Veda online eco course, I am so excited to you made it here. This means that you have made a decision to transform your current home or have a dream to create your own paradise some time in the near future.

By purchasing this course you  are taking an important step towards improving you life, health and ultimately your abundance.


I want to congratulate and assure you that you will get the results. The information that I am presenting here has been taught to me by some of the greatest masters ecological wizards of the planet. This has been combined with thousands of hours of practical experimentation which allowed me through trial and error to figure out some of the projects totally by myself. The modules are no rocket science by any means and in fact most of them are very logical and precise.


It has taken me 9 years of long travels and thousands of hours of practical to put together all the information that will be presented in the upcoming modules. I had to sell my business and my land of dreams to gather the finances and time to put all of these tutorials together. Thus I really hope you enjoy them thoroughly.


In this video I want to explain to you how to get most out of this course. The projects that you will be constructing range from 30 minutes such as grease trap for the kitchen sink to 3 weeks for an eco pool conversion.


Here are some of the simple and low cost project that can be made in one weekend which will make a tremendous difference to your health,  garden and water bill.


Mobile constructed wetland for your bath and shower water takes one day for two people. This includes setting up a 1000 L flow bin on a palette. If you are using eco soaps I would recommend one of these palette tanks per every person in the house. If you do not mind sharing bath with two people then 2 tanks for 3 people would be sufficient. If you are using chemical soaps than I would double the quantity I.e. 6 drums for 3 people. Remember that  some food can be grown in these wetlands so it is not wasted space. Also being on a palette it is totally mobile. Plumbing of this recycled grey water to a toilet is another days project.


Bio char filter takes one day to plumb and connect a system with all the washing of gravel and sand. Making of the activated biochar itself  will take another day for 4 people. So the entire project can be accomplished in a weekend with 3-4 people.


Food grower is another fun project that  can be accomplished in one weekend


To plumb your kitchen grease trap to your garden could take 30 – 60 minutes if you just want to run a pipe to a tree or half day if you want to dig a trench to passively feed the garden berm.


Ferro cement tank can be accomplished with 3 people in two weekends


Most of the other projects, such as biogas digester with wetland,  sandbag 15000 litre water tank, and wetland for a small pool can take 1-2 weeks with more financial resources. It is hard to predict what it will cost you as prices for materials and labour differ through out the planet.


Sandbags and barb fire for sand bag construction are very cheap and the main cost is labour. So if you can partner with some friends and do projects for each other, then most of the constructions presented at this course can be extremely affordable for most middle class folk. To reduce cost of plants visit a local healthy dam and gather free plants from there. The more you take out  the more they grow.


One this is for certain that all of these projects are fully achievable if you follow step by step instructions. A couple of years back I did not know any of the plumbing or how to construct an eco system yet I was able to teach myself through workshops, literature and experimentation.. I have condensed in this course all the vital step by step practical wisdom so you do not have to do expensive trial and error.


I suggest watching all the lessons of each project including mistakes and improvements section at the end of each module. Then once you got an overall idea I would go back to lesson of that particular project and start from there. A list of all the required materials will be presented to you before you start a project.


Upcycling and storage sections have an entire module dedicated to introduction and theory notes. The other projects have a shorter intro build in at the beginning of every module.


Make notes on what  you will need, measurements and details  during the tutorials so you do not make mistakes.


The mistakes I made will be presented with workable tried and tested solutions, so you can have a perfected and refined working model of eco technology.


This course will be refined and updated as we find better ways of doing things or replace older footage with a higher quality ones. You will not need to pay for any of these as it is our part of  us doing great service to you and our community.


In order for us to assist you with answers to your comments and to follow through the modules together we will upload sections 2,3,4,5 during the course of 4 weeks. Bonuses will be uploaded during the 5th and 6th week.


Please post any questions related to a specific lesson underneath that lesson in the comment bar provided. We will answer your questions within 24 – 72 hours. Once we have enough questions we will create a video Q & A session. Q & A sessions will be related to each of the 5 main chapters: harvesting, storage, filtration & delivery , upcycling and food grower.


Please take advantage of our comment sections under each of the lessons as your answers might be just sitting there or you could help somme one else who is experiencing a similar problem as you have just dealt with. Let us all assist each other. Our community section is one of the most powerful features of the course. We will continuously post solutions and resolutions there.


After you have completed the course let us know via a feed back form here and we will send you BO Veda Certification of Completion


I hope you enjoy the training. Should you have any concerns or if something is not up to the standard you expected it to be, please email us on and we will try and assist you in the best way possible.  Even though this is our Abundance of Water Version 1.0 training program, we have taken great care to create the most detailed online course of its kind on the planet.

I look forward to be  seeing you in our community private face book group, our classrooms and outside in the field of practice.


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